advancing future ready work
UP Partnership and Future Ready Anchor Partners have developed a delivery plan that aligns efforts with key metrics to reach 100,000 students. The plan’s 12 strategies incorporate the Future Ready pillars of Healing, Access and Voice, along with the essential System Supports. This strategic approach aims to braid the efforts across the My Brother’s Keeper San Antonio, Diplomás and Excel Beyond the Bell San Antonio networks, and the improvement collaboratives Restorative Practices Academy, Equitable Enrollment Collaborative and Excel Academy.

Fiesta medal design contest
In an effort to include youth voice, UP Partnership is hosting a youth-led Fiesta Medal design competition.
Prompt: Design a medal that depicts what it means to be Future Ready. Learn more at futurereadysa.org
Medals can be designed as either a circle or rectangle, both one sided and up to 2 inches in height and width. Designs must be made using the colors linked in our brand guide and be in a vector file format (svg or eps).
Artists may include up to two designs per submission. But each artist may only submit once, so review your work carefully! Submit your work to bit.ly/2025Design.