UP Partnership's Equitable Enrollment Collaborative closes out its first year
The Equitable Enrollment Collaborative (EEC), a community of practice between Diplomás and My Brother’s Keeper San Antonio (MBKSA) partners, closed out its first year at the spring convening on May 13.
With more than 80 partners across Bexar County, this collaborative focuses explicitly on equitable enrollment practices for young men of color and Dreamers by providing a tailored space for institutional partners to learn, collaborate, and strategize.
DIGGING DEEPER: To accomplish the overarching goal of equity across institutions, the EEC has identified a number of priorities and objectives for partner institutions.
The EEC prioritizes its strategies and initiatives around:
- Enrollment: Increase postsecondary enrollment from underrepresented districts and student groups.
- Data: Strengthen institutional capacity to analyze and share data.
- Equity: Develop and enhance equity-focused plans in the institution.
Institutions aim to:
- Assess current enrollment goals, partnerships and strategies;
- Develop a strategic enrollment framework to align goals;
- Review and Revise funding initiatives and policy structures;
- Monitor real-time application and financial aid data;
- Build data infrastructure to strengthen data-sharing.
STRATEGIES IN ACTION: As partners celebrated during the spring convening, they acknowledged that a lot of work still needs to be done the next three years of the EEC, starting this summer.
“[We’re] setting a goal for interventions to support at-risk students,” one partner said in their commitment.
Each partner was asked to make a summer commitment and one for the next academic year. Additionally, partners at ISDs and higher education institutions highlighted specific projects and ideas, including mentorship programs, student workshops and enrichment opportunities.
“[We’ll] continue to establish strong relationships and communication to ensure we are meeting student needs,” said another.